Community Indigo Vat

Community Indigo Vat


Enjoy our first consumer facing service, offering members of our community ways to keep garments in their closets and out of landfills.

Mail us any new or used garment or household item that is made of natural fibers, and our team will process it in GOTS certified natural indigo. Upon purchase, a member of our team will contact you to help facilitate shipping.

Once received, expect you garment to be returned to you within 4 weeks. This service includes free return shipping. Garments that weigh more than 1 lb may incur additional fees. Have more than 5 garments, or want to submit a batch with a group of friends? We offer batch discounts.

5+ garments -$35 per garment (use discount code 5BLUE at checkout to receive discount)

20+ Garments - $20 per garment (use discount code 20BLUE at checkout to receive discount)

Please note that on bulk orders we ask customers to pay shipping both ways.

Want to save on shipping? We now have drop off options available. At checkout, select ‘Pick up’ as your shipping option to see if any stores local to you partner with us.

Once your order is placed, our team will reach out with a shipping label and instructions for shipping your garment. Please note it may take 2-3 days to process and email your label.

Questions? Reach out to us at

Solid or Tie Dye:
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What to Expect and How to Care For Indigo Dyed Garments

Natural dye only bonds to natural fibers (cotton, hemp, linen, wool, silk, etc), and not synthetic fibers (polyester, acetate, etc). Note that if your garment is constructed with a synthetic thread in the seams, the thread may not change color with the fabric. The dye has potential to change the finish of any hardware on your garment, including buttons, zippers, etc.

Please note that indigo dyed items nearly always crock, or transfer dye from the surface of the garment to other surfaces during the first wear. We advise washing alone before wearing, and not pairing your indigo dyed garment with white garments until after a few wears and washes. The crocking stops after the first wear/wash or so.

Please be aware that over dyeing garments that have been wore previously may exhibit previously unseen stains after dyeing. An example is a tee shirt we found at a Goodwill, after being mordanted and dyed, had darker markings under the armpits, where aluminum based deodorant permeated the fiber. Indigo is often best for covering stains. If any previously unseen stains present themselves, a member of our team will reach out and discuss dyeing a pattern over the indigo dye to cover the stain (bundle dye, shibori, tie dye, etc) Also note that indigo does not create a perfectly even color, and tonal variations my be present in the fiber.

Depending on how your item was cared for prior to dyeing, it is possible it could shrink slightly in the dye process. If your items have been previous washed warm or were sold as ‘pre-shrunk’ then you likely don’t have to worry!

Please note that existing holes, tears, abrasion or other damage may be exacerbated by the agitation of our dye machines. Garments or textiles that do not have holes, but are fragile may develop holes in this process.

Natural dyes should be cared for mindfully. Your indigo dyed item will keep color longest with the following:

  • Wash cold on delicate (alone on the first wash)

  • Use a gentle detergent (avoid Tide Original, oxiclean or bleach)

  • Store out of light

We do insure our packages, though we are only able to insure the packages we ship for the amount paid for the dye service. We are not responsible for lost shipments, though our team will help to recover any insurance money for a lost package.